DENMARK S N – Christian Krause

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Rider Information

Rider Name: Christian Krause
Age: 46
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Hoersholm
Rider Country: Denmark

Record Information

Record Type: Cross Country
Record Country: Denmark
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2012-07-09
Record End Date: 1900-01-00

Record Statistics

Direction: S-N
Start Point: DENMARK - SOUTH - At the most southern point of the turnaround at the end of Oksevej, Padborg (just around 56 Oksevej, 6330 Padborg). This is the closest you can get to the border on a bike.
End Point: DENMARK - NORTH - Grenen Kunsmuseum (art gallery) at 40 Fyrvej, 9990 Skagen.
Distance (miles): 236.6
Distance (km): 380.7
Time (days:hours:minutes): 00:11:41
Speed (miles/hour): 20.19
Speed (km/hour): 32.49

Extra Information

Officials: Stig Mondahl
Report: report