ENGLAND W E – Christian Krause

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Rider Information

Rider Name: Christian Krause
Age: 49
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Hoersholm
Rider Country: Denmark

Record Information

Record Type: Cross Country
Record Country: England
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2015-08-01
Record End Date: 1900-01-00

Record Statistics

Direction: W-E
Start Point: ENGLAND - WEST - West of Kington city where B4594 meets A44 (actual border is 200 meter further east, but the intersection of B4594 and A44 is a distinct point)
End Point: ENGLAND - EAST - Lowestoft; east end of Hamilton Road by the harbor
Distance (miles): 243.6
Distance (km): 392
Time (days:hours:minutes): 00:15:44
Speed (miles/hour): 15.48
Speed (km/hour): 24.92

Extra Information

Officials: Stig Mondahl
Crew: Henrik Holmer, Benjamin Enggaard, Sharaz Granej Alam, Wicky Fangel Petersen
Report: report